How Many Holes?

September 22, 2014

Authory Thoughts Day 1

How many holes? That’s my question for today, the one that seems to be pressing on my mind. I feel like there’s a novel in there, and wherever it is it isn’t buried very far beneath the surface.

There’s an old adage that asks about the existence of a sock. The adage, or perhaps anecdote, more or less goes as thus: You have a pair of socks. They’re your favorite socks. You love them, and so you don’t want to get rid of them no matter what. Over time, however, they get a hole. No big deal; you just patch the hole. Over time they get another, so you patch that too.

They get another, and another, and another. How much time goes by, how many holes do you patch, before they’re no longer your favorite old pair of socks anymore?

And so it is with people.

I wonder, how many holes in our lives can we patch and fill until we aren’t the same person any longer? Is that a bad thing? Does it have to be? I think that all falls down to just what you fill those holes with.

I started reading my Bible at work again today; it’d been a while since I’d done that. As I read over Matthew and thought about Mary and Joseph’s journeys, their trials and their tribulations, I thought about the depths of a mother’s love, and the measure of a man.

How many men today could be told not to worry about their suddenly pregnant fiancé, and trust that they ought to stand by her side? Not that there’s going to be another immaculate birth, but, if you were Joseph would you make the same decision? I feel awful for Mary; it must have been terrifying to be in her position. Had Joseph not heeded God’s words, she would have been publically shamed and disavowed as a harlot.

Still, she stayed the course, as did he. And, they continued on their path even knowing that their son would one day have to be abused and murdered for people who thousands of years later still spit and excrete on his sacrifice.

I wish I could have sat there next to Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane. What would I have said to him? What could I? Just to sit next to that man, that man who was about to willingly march into a torture inconceivable by most.

Jesus was afraid before he died, just briefly. He sat alone in the Garden of Gethsemane, with all of his closest friends, his family, unable to even stay up one night with him and pray. He was alone. He sat there in that Garden talking to his Father and said “If this cup could pass another…”

He was afraid, but he was willing. I want to weep when I think about it. Words can’t describe how awful I feel for him in that moment. We think we have unreliable people in our lives, yet there he sat waiting for his friend and student to betray him, all alone in that Garden with no one beside him, just him and his father.

And, the very next day to be dragged away, whipped and beaten, spat upon and so much more, and to watch his friends all flee and hide in caves and such waiting for the nightmare to blow over. To watch the man whom he called the rock he would build his church upon deny him, curse him, call him out on his name just as Christ knew that he would…

You can’t get mad at the Apostles though. You can’t get upset. You can’t hate on them or blame them. Not really. Because, most of us live in a country where the worst we’d have to deal with is a few people not wanting to talk to us, and yet we punk out on our faith all the time. I’m talking about myself too here.

Every time you don’t have the courage to stand up for the man who died for you just because you’re afraid of not fitting in or being shunned, we’re just as bad as Peter was. In some ways we’re just as bad as Judas. After all, aren’t we selling Christ out too, every time our actions show that we condone the actions of the world?

Something to think about, for sure.

I’m working on a novel called Fugue. It involves murder, despair, entropy, schizophrenia and triumph. I’m thinking about doing an episodic release online; five dollars an episode or something minute like that. I’m also going to be moving over to Amazon’s camp as soon as I get the time to redo my covers to fit their standards (they originally weren’t designed to have words on the front of them).

I’m also fast approaching the time to release The Blackest Rain; I just need to decide if I’m going to combine the ashcan and the first novel into one book, or still do two separate releases.

And, on my sister site, I’ll be reviewing Murasaki Baby by OvoSonico at some point in the near future.

Last but not least, I’ve taken to writing my novels in journals, and then dictating them to a computer later. Carpal tunnel aside, I find it a very rewarding experience.

God bless, keep writing, and enjoy a good book. Xeawn, out.

The “Where is Your God Now” Trope Needs to Die…


It’s sad that this is supposed to look scary, but all I can think of is “JAZZ HANDS EVERYONE, JAZZ HANDS!!!”

You all know the scene; it’s as old as cinema itself. The big bad is coming, whether it’s an alien, a monster, a demon, or a serial killer. The writers make a point generally of having a very religious person, sometimes a heretic, sometimes a “Bible Thumper”, sometimes a genuinely nice person. Everyone is always dying around that person, and they try to run until they have no options left. Faced with impending doom, then generally kneel and hold up something religious; a cross, a Bible, a crucifix, that sort of thing. They might even kneel in fearful prayer and hopeful reverence.

Inevitably the big bad always kills them, sometimes being as corny as to blatantly state “Where is your God now?” as though the action on the screen didn’t drive that point home well enough. You know, just in case you missed it.

Sometimes the writer likes to do the fake out; have the antagonist walk away and leave that person alone, only to suddenly pop back on the screen and kill them terribly. Because bad guys are jerks. And because it’s supposed to make you go “OOOOH YOU THOUGHT YOU WERE SAFE BUT GUESS WHAT YOU’RE NOT REALLYYYYYY!!!!”

I suppose its supposed to be more scary, and perhaps it was. The first time. Not the first ten hundred.

This scene is as synonymous with horror as the “Only virgins go to Heaven” trope, that has the subtext to the plot being that if you participate in illicit acts then someone with a hockey mask will likely come give you the business end of a skewer.


I have a problem with the “Where is your God now?” trope. It’s annoying, and can sour an otherwise enjoyable movie immediately for me. Take Hansel and Gretel: Witch Hunters for example. Now, I have a famous saying in my circle; never expect more from someone than you know that they’ll give you. Never expect more out of someone than you know they’ll do. I don’t mean you ought to go around looking to see what you can get out of people, quite the opposite.

What I mean is, if you know an apple tree only produces apples, don’t get pissy with it when you wanted an orange instead. Similarly, some seeds will never become trees, some trees will never bear fruit. Some seeds may only ever become flowers, and flowers are nice so long as you don’t expect them to suddenly become a fruit bearing tree. Some trees will only ever offer you shade rather than sustain you. That’s okay; shade is nice too.

So, what does this have to do with Hollywood? None of these actors or writers to my knowledge have ever publicly acknowledged a relationship with Christ to my knowledge. So–


Luke 9:26, “Whoever is ashamed of me and my words, the Son of Man will be ashamed of them when he comes in his glory and in the glory of the Father and of the holy angels.”

So…no, if you’re a Christian you do actually have a doctrinal obligation to say it loud and say it proud.

But, I digress.

I don’t expect a Biblical story from a group that I have no reason to expect that from. I don’t expect them to tell a Christian version of that movie, although with changing one simple line they could’ve.

Not a Nephilim. Heck, that's not even a Nephilim born!

Not a Nephilim. Heck, that’s not even a Nephilim born!

See, that’s the thing that makes me laugh. I look at crap like when Devil May Cry and Darksiders get something as simple as what a freaking Nephilim is wrong, which is explained literally in the first like, five to eight pages of the Bible (it’s the class of angel that mated with the daughters of man, not their offspring, and not a half angel half demon hybrid!!!) and I think to myself

A) Does anyone actually do their homework or do they go “Nephilim, I think I heard that word before…doesn’t that mean pancakes?”


B) Does anyone even read the Bible?

Also not a Nephilim.

Also not a Nephilim.

Because there’s an entire class of spiritual warriors in the Bible who do everything that Hansel and Gretel explained as “Good witches” and “Good magic”. They’re called the Magi, or Magus in the singular. They called down flaming meteors from the sky, caused the Earth to swallow people, manifested lightning at will, made creatures of warfare appear from will and Faith alone, they were, in a word, pretty badass.

Which is why they’re the subjects of pretty much every Dragon House Studios speculative fiction or fantasy novel in some capacity or another.

So yes, if they wanted to do Hansel and Gretel from a Christian perspective, they could’ve replaced “Good witch” with “Magus” and literally not changed a single thing about the plot, but I digress. While the “there are good witches and good magic” plot bothered me, what made me stop caring about the movie entirely and regret not watching Die Hard instead was one simple, annoying, offensive and over used trope.

“Where is your God now?”

The scene was simple enough. Some witches were abducting children for some obscure and poorly explained ill conceived plot point that involved sacrificing a certain number of kids with forgettable properties to gain the power of a white witch, see “pagan girl Gandalf”, to do…something. I honestly don’t remember what. Or why.



So anyways the witches were jackin’ the town up, and then one of the God fearing women in the village holds her cross and begins to pray. The witch of course brutally kills her, because tropes.

Similarly, Jack the Giant Slayer, which was a hot mess for a number of reasons, used the same overdone ham handed plot point of “GOD CAN’T SAVE YOU NOOOOOOOW!!!!” when a giant fell from what I guess is Babel or something and squished them all. Because tropes.

At this point, it’s not even done to drive home a point of fear; it’s just done to be flippant and “edgy.” As my brother would say, it’s just “pandering.”

And unfortunately it sells.

One of my friends brought up the movie last night, Hansel and Gretel. We agreed that it wasn’t great and it wasn’t bad, it just kinda was. Then I, being the only vocal Christian in the group, voiced that the “Where is your God now” scene as well as the “Evil can be good” tropes kind of ruined what little really stood out for me as great in the film, leaving an overall bad taste in my mouth. I didn’t expect much more than what happened, some uncomfortable murmuring, some uncomfortable muttering, a few of them saying they saw nothing wrong with the scenes and a few saying they liked them.

I simply bluntly stated “It’s off putting, and it’s offensive. The scene was done just to do it. I don’t expect a Christian movie from a group that doesn’t profess Christ, but I’d also appreciate it if at the very least they’d stop flipping off my Faith every chance that they get.”

That brought about a stunned silence.

"Hey, ya mind handing me Leviticus when you're done reading it? Don't wanna leave any skid marks in my armor!"

“Hey, ya mind handing me Leviticus when you’re done reading it? Don’t wanna leave any skid marks in my armor!”

“We don’t go out of our way, in our music or our cinema, to do that to others. Yet how many games are about killing God or just flat out lying about what’s in the Bible? How many movies do the same? They’re flipping off my Faith, and I’m frankly tired of it.”

I’m not going to be naive and say Christians never say anything overt or exclusive. However, I have just as much right to stand on my doctrine as anyone else does theirs, and as a Christian I’m honestly tired of it. There’s a myriad of games and movies I might otherwise enjoy were it not for their obsession with flipping off God. Madworld, for example, odd as it might be to hear this from me, is a game I thoroughly enjoyed. The dark, edgy plot, the moody atmosphere, the hopeless struggle of the protagonist trying to make peace with the loss of his loved ones, it was very well written. I was excited for Anarchy Reigns, or whatever they call it in America, and I loved Vanquish as it was based on one of my favorite anime ever (Casshern). However, the same developer makes Bayonetta, a series founded solely on using the Bible like so much cheap toilet paper.

I won’t support Hideki Kamiya or Platinum Studios, and threw out my Madworld and Vanquish as a result. You can easily have a hardcore action heroine that flies in the face of normal conventions without vomiting all over the Bible. Heck, I did it with Rosalia Valentine in The Blackest Rain. And Tea in Ego Clausus: Malevolence. And Aori June in Chosen of the Lord: Soul’s Reckoning.

You can have a supernatural and powerful male without resorting to “Demons and junk”. I did it with Terryn Heart in Academia. I did it was Kaze Sio in Malevolence. I did it with Alexander Rogue in The Witch and The Magi. It’s more than easy enough to do.

You don’t have to do it. It’d be nice, but, the lack thereof is what spurred me on to become a writer. However, at the very least, at the very least…

Can you at least stop flipping off my Faith at every opportunity?