Race in Gaming and Why the Internet Should Hush (Also on Xeawn’s Gaming Corner)


So there’s a character in Borderlands 2 by the name of Tiny Tina. I guess some people are pretty upset about her? Apparently she’s a petite young (as in, probably twelve to fourteen) white girl who talks in stereotypical ebonics, or “Gangsta Slang”. I guess a lot of folks are really upset about that. Of course it’s the internet and a lot of folks aren’t too. And of course it’s the internet so we have a myriad of people insulting each other and arguing over the character in an exceedingly unintelligent and aggressive manner.

Now, I’ve got a personal policy to just not get involved in internet slap fights, because so long as people can hide behind the shield of anonymity they will 99% of the time continue to be rude, unintelligent and antagonistic. That’s probably the largest problem with the internet (y’know, aside from hackers and junk); when people have the option of treating you however they want to with zero consequences, unfortunately the overwhelming majority of people choose to be abusive instead of kind. Oh well, what are ya gonna do right?
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