Tomb Raider Review: Journey, Loss and Discovery (Also on Xeawn’s Gaming Corner)


a.k.a. Fear and Loathing in the Jungle!

Good day (or afternoon or evening or night or twilight or Frabjous Day, Callooh Callay!) to you all. I hope you’re having a groovy…time.  Today we’re going to talk about Tomb Raider 2013, and then I’ll probably post some adorable cat videos to make up for how dark Xeawn’s Gaming Corner has been the past week. However, before we do that, we’re going to descend into madness just one more time!

For those of you reading this on, well, you’re used to my more literary side by now, so, no cat videos for you! Okay…maybe just a few…

Tomb Raider 2013, man, what’s there to lead up to that I haven’t already? There was controversy. Kind of a lot of it. The men that were in the interviews constantly kept, well, let me begin with my history with Tomb Raider and then my rollercoaster of emotions in regard to the remake. Then we’ll talk about the marketing missteps. Also the one commercial they got right.

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