Tomb Raider Review: Journey, Loss and Discovery (Also on Xeawn’s Gaming Corner)


a.k.a. Fear and Loathing in the Jungle!

Good day (or afternoon or evening or night or twilight or Frabjous Day, Callooh Callay!) to you all. I hope you’re having a groovy…time.  Today we’re going to talk about Tomb Raider 2013, and then I’ll probably post some adorable cat videos to make up for how dark Xeawn’s Gaming Corner has been the past week. However, before we do that, we’re going to descend into madness just one more time!

For those of you reading this on, well, you’re used to my more literary side by now, so, no cat videos for you! Okay…maybe just a few…

Tomb Raider 2013, man, what’s there to lead up to that I haven’t already? There was controversy. Kind of a lot of it. The men that were in the interviews constantly kept, well, let me begin with my history with Tomb Raider and then my rollercoaster of emotions in regard to the remake. Then we’ll talk about the marketing missteps. Also the one commercial they got right.

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Are Video Games Mature Enough to Deal With Truly Dark Themes? (Also on Xeawn’s Gaming Corner)


And, are gamers? This is a follow up to my previous articles on a similar subject, and can be considered part three in the recent series of maturity articles. As y’all know, I don’t do short articles, so I figured I may as well break this up over the course of several days. This is leading up to an all day mega session with Tomb Raider that CainKarl and I will be doing next week (we did that already), and then Xeawn’s Gaming Corner will return to the generally more lighthearted articles you all know and love. As per the last two articles, please use your own discretion for your tolerance to topics that society has molded us to be uncomfortable discussing.
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Do Horror Game Stars Need to be Girls? (Also on Xeawn’s Gaming Corner)


*DISCLAIMER!: This is part 2 in a 3 part series of articles that are more mature than the XGC norm; please exercise your own discretion when reading! Regular articles will resume after Tuesday’s Tomb Raider review!*

Maybe not just games either. I was thinking about that this morning (about a week ago now), or maybe it was last night (about a week ago now) because they both sorta ran together for me (about…well, no, that’s pretty normal for me…), as I began laying out plans for a few new horror novels that I’ll be writing. The star of the first pure horror story I started working on is a girl trapped in a castle she’s desperately trying to escape while a number of unsavory characters are stalking her for unknown reasons. Why did I specifically choose a girl? I unno’, I just did. Amelia was just right for the part.

A different story with strong horror elements stars a father trying to protect a little girl in a hellish nightmare realm where he’s unable to tell fantasy from reality and has a number of frightening demons to contend with. Why did Roy work for this story? I felt a father trying to protect his daughter worked better in this scenario than a mother and daughter; I wanted to hit fear on a different level. I wanted to work with taking away from men the largest thing that makes us feel like men, and that’s a sense of power and the capacity to protect what we care for. I wanted to force the man to be in a situation where not only was he helpless, not only was he helpless to protect a child, he was helpless to protect a daughter.
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Race in Gaming and Why the Internet Should Hush (Also on Xeawn’s Gaming Corner)


So there’s a character in Borderlands 2 by the name of Tiny Tina. I guess some people are pretty upset about her? Apparently she’s a petite young (as in, probably twelve to fourteen) white girl who talks in stereotypical ebonics, or “Gangsta Slang”. I guess a lot of folks are really upset about that. Of course it’s the internet and a lot of folks aren’t too. And of course it’s the internet so we have a myriad of people insulting each other and arguing over the character in an exceedingly unintelligent and aggressive manner.

Now, I’ve got a personal policy to just not get involved in internet slap fights, because so long as people can hide behind the shield of anonymity they will 99% of the time continue to be rude, unintelligent and antagonistic. That’s probably the largest problem with the internet (y’know, aside from hackers and junk); when people have the option of treating you however they want to with zero consequences, unfortunately the overwhelming majority of people choose to be abusive instead of kind. Oh well, what are ya gonna do right?
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Are You a Hero or a Monster? (Originally featured on Xeawn’s Gaming Corner)


I read an article the other day in which Hideo Kojima stated that Metal Gear Ground Zeroes might not ever be released, and if it is then it might be too controversial to sell well. He stated that gaming hasn’t done much to mature beyond “zombies and explosions”, and that he wants to push the limits and break every taboo that he can. He felt that it either would be too controversial for Konami to allow him to release it, or that gamers would be too put off by the controversy for it to sell.

I don’t know how I feel about that, as we’ve already had the capacity to see through a little girl’s clothing, take her out on a date, slap her around on said date and chase her while she runs crying in the last Metal Gear (Peacewalker), which cemented me not supporting the franchise any longer. Which is a shame, because up to that point even in spite of the whole “Every nation is evil except for Japan” thing Kojima had going on, Metal Gear was one of my favorite franchises.

Growing up, you were either a Metal Gear Solid fan or a Splinter Cell fan. The two camps didn’t mix. Oh, there were also those Hitman kids, but, they were weird and we didn’t hang out with them (*cough cough* Wilkie *cough cough*). I found Splinter Cell’s controls to be all clunky and junk and so I was a Metal Gear kid. Me and my friends would play for hours, discovering all of the easter eggs, the hidden cutscenes, deciphering the deep and intricate story, working out the best tactics, beating the game without being seen and without killing anyone, including bosses, it was great fun.

But, slowly and steadily the series started getting creepy. I never finished the second Metal Gear because…Raiden…but a friend that did clued me in on the creepiness that was Otacon. I’m going to give a disclaimer right here and say that this article and the next two in this series are going to contain some spoilers, and also are going to be dealing with some less than PG themes that might make some readers uncomfortable. Please exercise your own discretion going forward.
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Double Dragons…Cain and Abel?


Makes ya think, doesn’t it? This will be a new bi-weekly segment on my youtube channel Dragon House Studios. Feel free to request the next game I do, but do know that it’ll be through a Godly lens, so, don’t expect me to find a way to say something nice about Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Summoners!

Relevant Irrelevance

Good morning all. As some of you may have noticed, it’s been quite quiet on both this and my gaming blog, The reason for this, is that I’ve been on a fast (that will last for another week, ending on the 20th). Part of this fast, in addition to the food bits, had the following rules, or covenants:

1) Limit your exposure to music that is not Christian
2) Limit your exposure to television that is not Christian
3) Limit your exposure to other forms of media (see: gaming) that is not Christian

Along side these rules, there were the usual food related ones. Limit the amount of meat you have, between certain hours (in our case 12 am to 12 pm) only consume water, tea, juice or coffee, come together to break your fast with your family, etcetera. Only…yeah…the Holy Spirit has a way of convicting us all differently, and for me the covenant read more like:

1) No music that is not Christian
2) No television that is not Christian
3) No other forms of media that are not Christian
4) Nothing but water between the hours of 12 am and 12 pm
5) One small meat dish for dinner
6) You can have an apple and an orange or two apples or two oranges at lunch…also a sandwich.

Yup, the Lord was hardcore on a brother! Now, interestingly enough, around two in the morning on the second day the Lord was like “You can read Lord of the Rings, The Hobbit, Narnia, C.S. Lewis and Tolkien were Christian writers. Their books were allegories for the Bible, so, Tolkien/Lewis books, movies, games are okay” which was nice, as I’m a pretty big gamer. The day after that, I was allowed to drink juice. The day after that I was allowed to drink tea. Also, on the second or third day I was allowed to listen to piano and string symphonies, which was super nice because I am not a fan of contemporary gospel.

Thus far I’ve maintained only watching Christian movies and television, which has been a bit of a challenge as well, and I’ve of course maintained the food part of the fast. This second week of the fast (it’s a fourteen day fast) I’ve been allowed more things by the Holy Spirit than the prior. I started out with just Ruzzle, a fun competitive word game that I play with my sister, later was allowed, or rather sunk to the level of playing, Bejeweled (I feel sick to my stomach that I got really, really good at that “game”…), later Tetris, and spent a good bit of time with Lord of the Rings: War in the North, a.k.a. the only good one.

Well, no, Conquest was decent. I guess. I stayed away from the Narnia games though. There are no good Narnia games…

Later I spent a bit of time with games such as Earth Defense Force 2017 for the Vita that weren’t Christian, but also weren’t antisemitic the same way, for instance, Gran Turismo would be. Except, ya know, EDF is an actual game and not a really pretty simulator that claims to be one. ZING!

In addition to the fasting, my sister and I have been doing the 90 Day Bible Plan, and each of us has been convicted in different areas. My father, for example, had no conviction with seeing Tom Cruise’s new action movie on a date night with my mom, pastor and pastor’s wife. The Holy Spirit convicts us all differently, and the covenant of the fast did say to “limit”, not to abstain from.

I didn’t really give it second thought why the Lord was being so hardcore with me on this fast; I’m generally of the frame of mind that when God gives you orders, you don’t question them, you strive to fulfill them. Of course, part of a fast is praying and seeking to understand God’s word and will in your life. I realized through prayer that a large part of why God was so strict with me, was to show me quite starkly how barren the harvest of the Lord is for out of the box Christians.

A bit of background on myself and my town, I’m from and live in Anchorage, Alaska. By and large, if you don’t drink, club and party, there isn’t a lot to do here if you aren’t the outdoorsy type. We have bars, strip clubs, movie theaters, and that’s really about it. If you don’t hike, hunt, fish, etc., you’re pretty hard pressed to find something to do around here.

My musical tastes are as follows:

A) Jazz
B) Swing Jazz
C) Lounge
D) House
E) Piano
F) Chamber Orchestra
G) J Rock
H) J Pop
I) K Rock
J) K Pop
K) Hip hop
L) …….SOME dubstep
M) Anything by Daft Punk and most things by Digitalism and Shinichi Osawa

So for me and Christian music there’s…..nothing. I’m not a fan of old school hymns; they’re too slow and…slow for my taste, and I’m not big into the usual kick up your heels organ styles of contemporary gospel. I was able to get into some Mary Mary, some Canton Jones and some Lecrae, but I also don’t do pop and thug/gangster/club rap, so by the second week I wanted to chuck my MP3 player at a wall!

I don’t really watch much TV, but I’m a fan of:

A) Film Noir
B) Romance (not “I love this guy but then I met you and now I’m torn”, I mean real romance)
C) Martial Arts
D) Asian Horror Cinema
E) Drama
F) Fantasy
G) Speculative Fiction

Presently my favorite American TV shows are

A) Once Upon a Time
B) Adventure Time
C) Regular Show

and I’m watching a number of anime as well. This brings the number of Christian movies and TV shows I can watch to a resounding…zero. There’s Lord of the Rings and Narnia, but I can’t take any of the Narnia movies seriously and you can only sit through the Lord of the Rings movies so many times. I did enjoy Run On, a comedy show involving the testimonies of three Christian actors, magicians and comics, and Six: The Mark of the Beast. I also saw Spirits Among Us…with all the production values of a someone with a camcorder.

Books? Fantasy, Speculative Fiction and Noir. Books for me? None save for Tolkien and C.S. Lewis. See what I’m getting at here? If you don’t fit into the mold of the contemporary conservative Christian, there is not a lot of gospel to be found. Spending this period of time away from

Oh wait! Video games. Yeah, there’s no Christian video games. Quite a ton of spitting on Christianity and God, mostly from Japanese game developers (sometimes European ones), but no, no Christian video games. Well, Lord of the Rings and Narnia, but again, Narnia video games are AWFUL and the LOTR ones aren’t much better. Exodus on the NES, a Gauntlet clone, was pretty decent…

So yes, if you don’t fit into the mold that the church tells you to, then there’s nothing for you. God’s word does not need to change, God’s word is just as relevant today as it was yesterday as it ever more shall be, but the way that the church seeks to deliver His word is irrelevant to the youth and young adults of today. We don’t like the style of your music, we can’t find Godly movies that aren’t cheesy and don’t have poor production values, there’s no Godly video games, there is nothing for us!

And is the solution of the church to find creative and innovative means to deliver the Word of God without sacrificing its meaning and purity? No. The solution of the church is to condemn us, to say our music is too loud and is unholy, to say our video games make us violent and unsociable, to say our movies are sacrilegious while you still get enjoy yours in the shadows.

Not every church is like this. Not every Christian is like this. But, enough are that the case for Christ is far harder won than needs be. Imagine, what if there was a Christian dubstep artist? I’m not a huge dubstep fan (unless I’m writing an intense fight scene and I feel like being angry, because dubstep pretty much has that effect on me :P), but lots of teens and young adults are. If there was Christian Dubstep people would be all over that! What about Christian lounge music? What about Christian horror movies? What about good Christian video games? I’m not talking about the four hundred different quiz games out there, I’m talking about games that depict the warriors of Chronicles, games that put a sword in one hand and a fireball in the other and have you cutting down armies of demons! RPG’s in sprawling fantasy worlds, shooters battling demons from another plane, fighting games, racing games, the whole nine yards!

And you don’t even necessarily have to throw a cheesy hallmark moment into the mix to get the point across! Simply say “God” instead of “Gods/Goddess”, simply say “Faith” instead of “Magic/Sorcery”, simply say Companion or Pet instead of “familiar”, it’s not that hard! You can do a ghost movie or a movie with demons after the heroes without offending Christianity! You can have action movies that don’t all revolve around a microchip or some documents with the mark of the beast, you can have fantasy movies with elves and goblins and trolls and swords and magi and be completely Biblically sound!

Youth, young adults, Christians everywhere, if you have an outside of the box ministry that the church is trying to stamp out, so long as you are sound by Biblical doctrine, pursue your dreams nonetheless! Do you want to do Christian metal? Do it! Do you want to write Christian fantasy? Write! Do you want to make Christian action movies! Do so! Your worship and your praise need not reflect the conservative views of the church as it is today, because the church as it is today is relevant by the Word of God, but irrelevant in many ways by its execution!

After all, if we kept everything by the “way it’s always been done”, we’d still be in turbans and sackcloth worshiping outside with clanging drums and veils a la the Book of Exodus. Not that there’s anything wrong with that, but hey, I live in Alaska; IT’S COLD!!!

The Deepest of Pains

We writers are a strange breed. We spend quite a lot of time being different people, in different places, doing different things. I have been every race under the sun, I have been nearly every occupation, and I have drifted from being the kindest of hearts to the most vile and repugnant of them all. I feel that to truly write a good story you must become your characters, and not just your heroes either. Now of course this doesn’t mean I occupy my time kicking kittens and popping balloons when I’m writing a villain, but I do take the time to seclude myself and get into the head of each of my characters, living as them, breathing as them, dying as them.

There’s a movie Will Farrell was in, Stranger Than Fiction, which I regrettably never got to finish but enjoyed immensely nonetheless. In that movie, the writer therein would make common practice of becoming every experience she was writing, culminating in my favorite scene, the “dying” scene. The writer is stuck in that she is trying desperately to find the right way to kill her protagonist, and spends much of the movie in various states of “death”. One of my favorite scenes has her standing barefoot on the edge of her coffee table. The woman who is supposed to be helping to motivate her and keep her on task walks into the room and asks what she’s doing. The writer replies “I’m going to kill myself” and after gathering her nerve, jumps off of the table. A few moments later she declares “No, that’s not it either” and sets about finding a new way to “end her life”. Another favorite has the writer standing in a powerful rainstorm, contemplating the sensation of drowning. To me, these are some of the purist representations of the place many writers take themselves when creating the most authentic of works.

I try not to work on a novel when anyone else is in my house. I’m routinely walking, jogging or running up and down the hallway and bounding all over the room depending on what the circumstance demands. I speak in no fewer than three different languages, most of them in human tongue, at varying pitches and octaves with varying levels of ferocity and timidity. I speak and act the parts of heroes, villains, boys and girls. Humans, aliens, angels, devils, all of them. On rare occasion I’ll let an extremely curious friend in on small parts of my creative process, but have to date shown no one the process in totality.

Writing is a very private and intimate thing. Writing is a very public and outspoken thing. Writing simply is.


I spend a lot of my time contemplating worsts. Depending on the type of story I’m working on, as I lay still and “dive”, I contemplate what the worst something is. One of those worsts is pain. Not physical, rather spiritual, emotional and psychological. In the stories of others, whether a novel, an anime, a movie or a video game, I am always looking to feel something. I’m very off put by media that makes me feel nothing. That isn’t to say I don’t enjoy, say, Expendables 2 for instance (which makes me feel quite a broad range of things to be truthful :D), and I’m far from the critic who decries any media that is not “artsy” and “avant garde”, but I need to feel something. I once spent an entire day listening to four hundred different versions of “Cry Me a River” trying to find one that made me feel on the level I was looking for. I haven’t quite found the sound I’m looking for, but Susan Boyle has a lovely rendition.

There are times that I ponder what is the worst pain or most frustrating pain to find oneself in. I can’t really put into words my interest in that anymore than I can in the macabre, dissonant or whatever else is in between, but it’s something that makes me curious nonetheless. I think that, in many ways as writers we use our novels as a catharsis  as a means to push through our struggles, celebrate the joys of the world, or simply experience something unique, different and new.

There are some stories, such as Epsilon’s Eclipse that I write simply because I desire to challenge myself, to see if I can write something that seems quite impossible to do with a Christian emphasis. There are other stories such as The Ballad of the Damned that I write because of an interest in the genre. There are other stories, such as The Blackest Rain, that come to life because I needed an outlet for my struggles at the time, and writing is how the world makes sense to me.

I would like to take this time to state quite clearly that this world makes very little sense to me; it is simultaneously uninteresting and the most interesting thing in existence, and filled with both the most wretched examples of life, and the most wonderful caricatures thereof. In short, the world is a beautiful ugly awful wonderful place that is very exciting to experience each turn anew.

Writing helps me gain perspective and push through certain experiences. I pondered this evening the question of what I find to be the most awful or deepest of pains. If you asked me this question two years ago (was it two? I honestly stopped counting quite a bit ago), I would say that one of the deepest pains that can be inflicted upon you is that of caring for someone more than they care for you. Today, I think the most frustrating one is feeling as though you cannot be heard.

Something of this difficulty can be seen in More Than a Fairytale Book 1: Xea’s Story. The protagonist has a very rocky relationship with their parents, and an all but nonexistent one with their sister. In this novel we see Xea struggling to deal with a very painful secret in the past, as well as a family in which there is nothing in common and very little to relate to. The relationship we see between father and child in particular is a quite difficult one for Xea to reconcile and push through, and the relationship between siblings is one in which communication has little to no weight, bearing or possibility.

I think the most frustrating thing is feeling as though what you have to say doesn’t matter, or that the person you wish to say it to simply won’t listen, change or budge. Now, in many situations this is actually quite easy to deal with. Aggravating though it my be, you can always walk away from a friend or significant other. Well, unless you’re married. Then you’d best find a way to work that out! Ah, but I digress, in a friend or a boyfriend/girlfriend you can simply decide enough is enough and part ways either for a time or something more permanent. This becomes more complicated when the individual whom you feel you matter very little to is say, a boss or family member.

Before anyone takes this out of context, my boss is super mega awesome.

I have both been recently and in the past in one of the less desirable scenarios, as have many of my friends, and to put it frankly, it sucks. I think that the more you love, adore or look up to and respect the individual, the more infuriating the situation becomes. You begin a downward spiral in which you feel your best is never good enough, you rack your brain constantly trying to find the right thing to say, you feel like it’s impossible to speak to the person about anything that upsets you or hurts you, because you feel that individual simply doesn’t care. Perhaps you’ve tried, perhaps that person only responds to you with anger, or an antagonistic tone. Perhaps experience has taught you that no matter what you do it will not be received, or met with ridicule. Perhaps you’ve explored every option that you can imagine, and yet something beyond you feeling worse than when you began yet eludes you.

What’s the solution?


Heaven if I know!

That’s the wonderful thing about being human; not a one of us has all of the answers. Part of why I write the books that I do, beyond spreading the gospel in an innovative way and spinning a good yarn, is because I figure there’s no such thing as new pain under the sun. If you’re experiencing something awful, chances are someone else in the world has and is as well. If you have no idea what to do about it, I can guarantee you that there are hundreds, even thousands of others that a grasping at quicksand just as gravely as you are. I figure, for the pains that I’ve figured out, perhaps someone else can read my novels and figure something out too. If nothing else, perhaps they’ll see that life goes on, and it does get better.

If I haven’t figured it out, well, at least you know you’re not the only one going through it!

have learned quite strongly if nothing else in my life, you can’t force someone to change or to listen. For those people that you can do something about, perhaps it’s time to do something about. For those that you can’t, well…

A little prayer goes a long way. Good evening everyone, be blessed and may God watch over you all.


-Eugene W.
a.k.a. Xeawn R.

Power Under Fire

Sometimes I wonder, especially in my younger days, why it is/was that the heroes always wait until they’re pretty much dead to bust out with their final form or ultimate attack to wipe out the enemy. I saw one explanation for this, or rather was told by a friend, in the new Voltron series. The explanation was that if the heroes busted out with their ultimate attack at the beginning that alone wouldn’t be enough to defeat the enemy. On top of that, the hero would then be too drained and weary to finish the fight. I find this a reasonable explanation I suppose, though if it can’t kill your opponent in one strike I don’t really think it has any business being called your “Ultimate Attack”. I’m just sayin’.

Oh, by the way, the reason why I haven’t seen the new Voltron series despite being a fan of the original? “Voltron-riffic!”

Nuff’ said.

But I digress. Another explanation I’ve seen/heard is the one that was most common when I was younger. The idea was that the hero had to be pushed to the brink of death and truly realize what all could and would be lost if they didn’t push themselves enough to win and save their friends. This rush of power, hope and desperation would then push the hero to reach new heights and grasp power they didn’t realize that they had. The excuse for them getting their teeth kicked in when they’re older is of course that they grew derelict in their training during the years of lasting peace (despite all of them admitting that they always knew/feared that the evil they slew would one day return…)

The third and most obvious answer is because it adds to the dramatic tension and makes for a good story. I suppose many games/anime/movies/tv shows would be boring if the villain was all like “AND NOW HERO, WE WILL HAVE OUR-” and then the hero was all like “GREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAT” and the villain is like “Wait, what are you doing? We’re supposed to have a long drawn out-” and then the hero’s all “DIVIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIDE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” and then the villain is all “NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!” and then he dies. Even so…you would have a lot more blood in you as opposed to on the floor if you took that approach.

A common scene in most every RPG is the “We’re all about to enter the penultimate ‘we might die here’ battle, so, let’s talk to everyone in our party and possibly make kissy face first” scene. This is a good scene to have, because in the hands of a good writer it allows you to see deeper into the characters involved. More importantly, we get to grasp a strong sense of humanity with our otherwise surreal heroes. We may not always identify with the spiky haired warrior with the broadsword or the fair skinned hero or flawless damsel, but we can identify with the mortality of death.

If any of us knew that we were about to walk into a situation where we might die, I think the prevailing sentiment would be to do what you’ve always wanted to first or else tie up whatever loose ends you might have. If I were going into my end of the world battle, there’s a lot I’d like to resolve first. I’d like to make sure that my father knows that I love him and respect him even if we don’t always see eye to eye. I’d like my mother to know that she is my gem and that she is the best mother I could possibly have asked for. I’d like my sister to be reminded that she is both my favorite person and my favorite toy in the whole world. I would like my nephew to know that I believe in him, and have faith in the wonderful things that he is already doing and will continue to grow to do. I’d like for all of my friends to know, well, I’d like them all to know Jesus, but working more with something I could do in half an hour I’d like them all to know that I am praying for them, and that life is too short to keep getting stopped up by our own hangups and miseries past.

I don’t have kids and I don’t have a special someone, but I do have a Pomeranian that I would totally be dumping off on my parents to take care of in my possible absence 😀

One thing that I would not do is sleep, probably. Not for any grand reason such as “Time is too short/too precious”, but really because I just function better under fire. I don’t know what it is, but when everything is chill I tend to procrastinate a lot. When there’s a crisis or things get down to the last minute though, that’s when I’m able to just calmly remove myself from the situation and resolve whatever is going on at the time. I tend to be better at solving other people’s problems than my own, as in the words of Alice “I give myself very good advice, but I seldom follow it”. My friends and loved ones will find themselves in a dreadful pickle, and I calm myself while everyone else is panicking and God deposits a solution.

I can’t help but smile as I write this; someone I know would say that statement is egotistical, but it’s really not. I’m simply blessed to keep a level head when something is outside of directly being in my path. Now, for reasons I can’t possibly explain I tend not to fly into full on panic mode, but lack the capacity to detach myself and find a solution without stressing when it’s my own problem. I’m sure there’s some buried psychological issue/wound/hangup somewhere in my past about that, but, eh. I’ve learned not to dwell to heavily on the past; it’s done and can’t be changed, only learned from.

So let’s get back to power. I wouldn’t sleep. When I think back to every other major or important battle that I’ve had to face, I tend not to sleep more than an hour, get a horrible excuse for a breakfast generally consisting of coffee, strawberry gummies and beef sticks (sometimes a muffin), showing up with a handful of minutes to spare thus giving myself no time to prepare for battle, and then waltzing through the field of combat as though I’d planned the whole thing in advance. Spoiler alert: I didn’t and rarely ever do.

So I think it’s funny. While everyone else would be getting a good nights rest after the obligatory “talk to everyone” chapter, I probably would be sitting in my room staring at the ceiling contemplating bacon and why it’s so utterly wonderful. I’d then probably slump into our shuttle and everyone else would be like “Yeesh, you look like crap!” and I’d be like “Coffee…beef sticks…” and then we’d go fight ultimate evil and kick it in the craw 😀

I think a lot of us tend to function better under fire. Not all of us, but a lot of us. I think it’s also true that a lot of us are better at dealing with other people’s problems than our own. The solution is always so much simpler when it’s not our own heart that we’re trying to change.

Something else that I think about with the heroes busting out their true power near death is the idea of God’s last minute rescues. If I’ve learned nothing else in my relatively short time on this Earth, it’s that God is a really, really big fan of His last minute rescues. I used to think of it more in regards to my own life, how things would always wait until their absolute bleakest before something amazing would happen, but then I really thought about the stories I hear about other saints around the world as well as the Bible itself.

We very rarely ever read about a situation that looks like maybe it’s gonna go south and then God’s like “Oh no, it’s cool, it’s already done”, at least not in the way we see it. For every situation God is already going “I already saved you”, but of course he’s already lightyears beyond the endgame while we’re still mucking about at the start. An example for instance could be Moses and the Israelites. The endgame and their salvation was already set, but that salvation didn’t come at the beginning. Moses and company went through a great period of tribulation before God delivered them, though their salvation was already at hand. Every step of the way even as they suffered, God comforted them and ultimately led them out to freedom. Even after they forsook Him and spat upon His name, He still saw fit to protect them, to deliver them, and to bless them again and again.

When we endure tribulation and feel there is no way out, that is when we call upon God’s divine power the most to save us. We don’t ever truly get our praise on until we feel like we’ve hit the impossible. Many of us wait to exhaust all of our human options before we call out for God’s supernatural one. When we hit that point that is the lowest of the low and we cry out to our Father to save us, none can say any other than God stepped in to protect and deliver them. We seem to only truly find the time to give fierce glory and praise in our darkest hours, and we suffer spiritual amnesia when things are going good.

The endgame, the ending is not always the one that we want, but it is always the one that we need. Speaking from experience, I went through quite a devastating loss some two years ago (was it two? That’s a clear sign God delivered me as any other; I think about it so rarely I can’t even find the time to be aware of when it happened or how long it’s been :D), and I crashed something awful. I was in so much pain, and I never thought I’d be happy again. Every day I cried out to God to step in and fix things, and in my eyes he never did. The situation didn’t change, it just got worse and worse and worse and worse and worse. The harder that I tried to effect positive change in the situation, the more hurt I became while the other party continued on footloose and fancy free.

I was so angry with God. I hated Him. I truly did. I thought to myself “I have done everything that you have ever asked of me! I have not been a flawless servant; no one is, but I HAVE DONE ALL THAT YOU ASKED OF ME! SO WHY? WHY WON’T YOU FIX THIS?! WHY WON’T YOU MAKE THIS BETTER?! WHAT MORE DO YOU WANT FROM ME?!?!?!?! WHAT MORE CAN I GIVE?!?!?!?! …what more can I lose?”

Why didn’t He step in? What was wrong with the situation? Why didn’t I get the outcome that I begged for? Simple: it wasn’t in His will. Why did I hurt? Because I was the one blocking my own blessing.

Sometimes what we want with all of our heart isn’t what God wants for us. At the time that can seem impossibly unfair and cruel and unusual and so on and so forth, but, it’s really not. As a child, I wanted to eat nothing but marshmallows and eggs (though not at the same time…often…), but of course my parents wouldn’t allow that. What I wanted wasn’t good for me. They knew better. I’ve learned that God always knows better. Even if I don’t like His plan at the time, it always works out the best in the end.

Ultimately the outcome that I thought I wanted never came to pass. I’m now at a place where I honestly hope it never does. The life and the blessings and the path that God has given me is so much greater than anything I could have possibly imagined; had I gotten what I thought I wanted I sincerely doubt I would have what I know that I do.

Waiting on God isn’t always easy, but we’re far from the last boss fight of our lives. You need any further evidence that you are not the exception but the rule? God waited until His son was dead to rescue him; it doesn’t get any more last minute than that. Yet and still, rescue him He did. In the movie The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel (a movie that does not house ideals I completely agree with, but a beautiful one worth watching nonetheless) there is a line that goes “In India we have a saying. Everything will be alright in the end. If everything is not alright, then it is not yet the end.”

I couldn’t possibly agree with this more. We will constantly be under fire, but God will constantly give us the strength to overcome that fire if only we truly believe and call out to Him to do so. For those that believe, He has already given and deposited within us all the blessings that we will ever need; we need only withdraw from that bank and utilize that power. For those that don’t, well, you can’t possibly expect God to keep bailing you out if you claim not to even believe in Him. He does not abide sin nor does He dwell in it; as Pastor Tony Evans said “God isn’t gonna come in the club to pull you out of it.” If you’re tired of your situation, try something new; try Him.

I was gonna work More Than a Fairytale into this discussion and mention how Xea doesn’t truly grasp the power that’s truly needed until the battle with the Empress forces this change to happen, but, I think that can wait for another time. Hopefully y’all got something out of this; I know I certainly did.

God bless everyone, and to everyone a good night (or morning or afternoon wherever you are).

-Eugene W.